28 June 2025

Armed Forces Day

Northern Ireland Salutes the Armed Forces

Last Saturday, the people of Antrim Town in Northern Ireland came together to celebrate their local Armed Forces Day.

ARMED FORCES DAY NORTHERN IRELAND 2016. Armed Forces Day has come to Antrim Town on Saturday 18 June 2016. The event has taken place at Antrim Castle Gardens and Antrim Stadium and has included a parade through Antrim Town, Drumhead Service, Recruitment Village, Military Capability Demonstration, Military Bands, Static Helicopter Display, Arena Events and lots of family fun. The parade has been led by the Irish Guards with included all three Armed Services taking part including both regular, reserve personal, Cadets, Veterans and the Royal British Legion. ENDS NOTE TO DESKS: MOD release authorised handout images. All images remain crown copyright. Photo credit to read - Kellie Shattock.

Communities gathered in Antrim Castle Gardens and Antrim Stadium to lend their support as a parade made its way through Antrim Town, followed by a Drumhead Service, Military Capability Demonstration, Military Bands, Static Helicopter Display,and lots of family fun.

The parade was led by the Irish Guards and all three Armed Services took part including regulars, reserves, Cadets, Veterans and the Royal British Legion.