28 June 2025

Armed Forces Day

Step Up and Hold an Event to Salute Our Forces!

Are you fond of our Armed Forces? Do you have a passion for parades? Are you a sucker for street parties?

If so, why not show your support for our Servicemen and women this summer by holding your own Armed Forces Day celebrations in your area?

Armed Forces Day parade Armed Forces Day takes place on Saturday 27 June this year, with a major national event to be held in Guildford, Surrey. And with the potential funding of up to £10,000 on offer from the Ministry of Defence, it’s easier than you think to hold your own local event.

No event or party is too big or small – from city-wide parades and local fetes, to street parties with friends and neighbours, the aim is to help every part of the nation show its support for the men and women of the Armed Forces community.

You can even channel your passion to give a personal touch to your own event.

Motorcycle club chairman Joe Fairrie has hosted Armed Forces Day events since the day began seven years ago. In 2014, he arranged for around 300 motorbikes, trikes & scooters to escort local troops, cadets and veterans as they paraded along his local seafront to celebrations in the park.

“Many bikers in the North East are veterans so we want to show our support by hosting our own Armed Forces Day event. More than 6,000 people attended last year and it’s grown bigger over the years – the Ministry of Defence funding has helped us meet the cost.
It’s really satisfying to see the enormous amount of support the event receives and I think more organisations should do it – it doesn’t have to be a huge event, just a good old family fun day!”

Applications for funding must be received by 27 March 2014. A maximum of £10,000 is available from the MOD and the funding should account for no more than 50 per cent of the total event cost.

So get your thinking caps on and design an event that allows you and your community to say ‘Thank You’ to our Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Veterans and their families – past and present.